Furtherance of Golf – NATEX REPORT

Since taking over this portfolio a couple of months ago we have been busy and we have seen some tangible results from our involvement with Junior Golf in Australia.

Our relationship with the Jack Newton Foundation has given us a solid vehicle to participate at the highest level in Australia Junior Golf and with their expertise, vision, and established presence we are building a strong base to further develop and support this very important objective of our Club.

As alluded to in my last report, the Australian Team, Nomads sponsored to participate in the MJT International Team Challenge in Ontario, Canada last month, walked away clear Champions and 4 from the 6 team members came in the top 10 overall.

Dressed in Nomads branded shirts (Sponsored by NATEX and Chris Moddy from Drummond Golf) our Brand has been proudly displayed and is a fantastic testament and reference to promote further support from our wonderful Sponsors.

Our next donation is due and the funds is earmarked for the planned trip to South Africa in March 2023.

Lastly, thank you to NATEX and our Member Clubs for your ongoing support!!

Big Jo