Nomads Golf Club Sydney North

Established 2003

Leveraging off the enviable reputation of Nomads South Africa, the first Australian Nomads club was established in 2003 under the guidance of former Southern Natal Nomad Wayne Richardson. From humble beginnings the club now boasts a membership exceeding 70.

Nomads Golf Club Brisbane

Established 2008

Two ex South African Nomads saw an opportunity to form a Nomad club in Brisbane while playing with another social golf group called Springaroos. With the permission of the members the club was converted to the now Nomads Golf Club Brisbane on 27th July 2008, with 46 founder members and formed a six man committee of mainly ex South African and Zimbabwe Nomads.

Nomads Golf Club Sydney South

Established 2011

Due to the increasing numbers at the Sydney North club and the need for more spaces at the monthly games, the Sydney South club was established in 2011 under the leadership of Tony Gooding with the support of members from the Sydney North club.

Nomads Golf Club Perth

Establishment 2013

The Perth club was established in July 2013 and is now the fourth club in Australia with a solid founder membership and some of the committee being former Southern African Nomads.

Nomads Golf Club Sunshine Coast

Established 2014

The Sunshine Coast Club was established in October 2014 with 58 founding members under the captaincy of former New Zealand Nomad Win Janssen. The inauguration event was well attended, including members of the proposing club Brisbane and by the enthusiasm evident, this club will grow steadily in the years to come.

Nomads Golf Club (International)

Established 1960

Nomads Golf Clubs are located in many parts of the world. Visit the official international website to access the websites from all the clubs in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, England and New Zealand.